Read the stories by AUWU members’ about their dealings with job agencies.
We also invite you to share your own story. Every story helps reveal that the problems you have with your job agent are a problem with the “employment services” system as a whole, not a problem with you. Telling your story helps break the stigma created around unemployment. Telling your story helps the AUWU build its case against this dysfunctional system.
Members' Stories
Latest Stories
Work for the Dole Updates: Members’ Stories
Recently the union asked our members for stories and information regarding their experiences with work for the dole. The response has been amazing! In this series of posts we want to share some of the harrowing tales from the coalface of this ridiculous programme. If you or anyone you know has done work for the dole, ...
The Nightmare That Is The DES
Disability Employment Services Provider C/- Site Manager Subject: Disability Employment Services Assistance – 11 Years Just following up on my request of 5th September, 2016 and wondered if you had yet followed up with the Department of Employment / Department of Social Services to seek guidance and advice as to how your employment service can assist registered jobseekers ...Centrelink and Job Agencies Discriminate Against the Sick
I would like to give you a scenario of reverse discrimination as a Newstart Job Seeker. I have two permanent medical conditions that prevent me from working efficiently at my old professions, mainly in Accounting and administration work. I became so ill that I was eventually qualified for a very expensive govt subsidised drug called Humira, ...How Job Agencies Bully the Sick
To whom it may concern at Advance Personel/ Workways, Hello my name is Anastasia (Ana) Hanson, I spoke to you today about what has become in my opinion a destructive relationship with my Advance Personnel worker, possibly with the organization as a whole. Attached is the Centrelink medical certificate for you asked for. I tried to ...You Are Not Legally Obliged to Sign Privacy Agreement: AUWU Member
Rozie, AUWU member 8 August 2016 I was given a job plan and told I must sign it immediately. When I questioned my caseworker if I was legally required to do this she said that if I didn’t, my benefits may be cancelled. After I told her that as a member of the Australian Unemployed Workers Union, ...
Share your own story and fight back against the institutionalised abuse delivered by the $10 billion jobactive system.