Report the Rort Newsletter

11 Years of DES Hell

Posted by AUWU on  September 28, 2016

19th September 2016   To:          Senator Cash, Minister for Employment & Minister for Women National Customer Service Line (Dept. of Employment) Dept. of Social Services Customer Resolution and Referral Services   Re:         Registered, Skilled Australian Jobseeker – Now 11 years in Disability Employment Services ‘without’ Adequate Employment Assistance I would like to know ‘WHO’ in our Australian government and Australian government departments is responsible for Australian and skilled jobseekers left registered in the employment

Newstart Vs Poverty Line

Posted by AUWU on  September 23, 2016

Category: Uncategorized
Fro the late 1970s onward (when the dole was made equal with the Henderson poverty line by the Whitlam Government), the dole has been sinking further and further below the poverty line. Today it is the worst it has ever been. Below is a comparison of the current maximum rate of the dole (including rent assistance) with the current Henderson Poverty Line has calculated each quarter by the Melbourne Institute.   June 2018 Quarter Henderson
The Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union is preparing our legal challenge against the Centrelink compliance system. Read the Guardian’s story on our legal challenge here. The AUWU has received legal advice from a barrister which states we have a strong case and asks us to collect cases of penalties being imposed unfairly. In order for you to join our legal challenge, we have been informed by legal council that we need the following: Send a brief description

New Rules: Work for the Dole After 12 Months From October

Posted by AUWU on  September 15, 2016

Category: Announcements
As part of the budget, from 1st October unemployed workers will enter their ‘Work for the Dole phase’ after 12 months instead of six months. Below is an exerpt from the Jobs Australia website giving some more details. The Work for the Dole community will be wondering what the implications of the budget announcements regarding the new Youth Jobs PaTH and better targeted Work for the Dole will mean in terms of the ongoing demand for
  Disability Employment Services Provider C/- Site Manager   Subject: Disability Employment Services Assistance – 11 Years   Just following up on my request of 5th September, 2016 and wondered if you had yet followed up with the Department of Employment / Department of Social Services to seek guidance and advice as to how your employment service can assist registered jobseekers ‘against all odds’.  The National Customer Service Line’s repeatitive approach for jobseekers to routinely