Report the Rort Newsletter

Report the Rort Newsletter Issue #2

Posted by AUWU on  August 28, 2018

Category: Report the Rort
TUESDAY 28TH AUGUST 2018 Each week we’re sending out stories of job agencies’ misconduct in your own words, as well as a snapshot of the current situation for unemployed workers and a round-up of the key issues from our hotline. This past week we’ve seen an increase in unemployed workers calling about payment suspensions – let us know if and how you have been punished by the unfair demerit point system on our forum. Also,

Trouble Calling Centrelink? Contact Keenan!

Posted by AUWU on  August 27, 2018

Category: Announcements
If you thought being on hold was bad enough, the government has made it even harder for unemployed workers to contact Centrelink. The Newstart line now automatically hangs up on unemployed workers if there are not enough staff on the line. This is a disgrace. Centrelink have ignored 106 million calls since 2016. If you cannot get through to the Newstart line, contact the Human Services Minister Michael Keenan’s office and ask them to put

Report the Rort Issue #1

Posted by AUWU on  August 21, 2018

Category: Report the Rort
TUESDAY 21ST AUGUST 2018 Each week we’ll be sending out stories of job agencies’ dishonesty, fraud and mistreatment in your own words. We’ll also be providing a snapshot of the current situation for unemployed workers, and a round-up of the key issues from our hotline. Please keep sharing your stories on our forum so that we can share them here! While you’re at it, help us submit to the senate enquiry into jobactive by filling

Senate Inquiry into jobactive

Posted by AUWU on  August 17, 2018

Category: Announcements
The Senate Inquiry into jobactive has heard from stakeholders at three hearings. You can read the transcripts here. ABC Radio Brisbane Focus with Emma Griffiths discusses why jobactive and employment services deserve a Senate Inquiry, with AUWU’s Jeremy Poxon, Greens Senator Rachel Siewert, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, and some great radio talkback. We did it! Back in May, the AUWU asked Greens Senator Rachel Siewert to investigate the government’s punitive and dysfunctional jobactive system. On Wednesday, the Senate agreed

The AUWU takes a strong position on jobactive

Posted by AUWU on  August 10, 2018

Category: Announcements
“The level of abuse inflicted on unemployed workers by the Department’s jobactive system is a national disgrace and must be addressed immediately.” The AUWU submission about the jobactive contract is now public! Click here to read it. The 54-page submission which the AUWU made on behalf of unemployed and underemployed workers makes for inspiring reading! No other organisation is taking such a stand against the institutionalised bullying of unemployed workers. The AUWU not only points