Category Archives: Announcements

A win for the fight against poverty in Newcastle

Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance_Media Release_26.09.18 (1) – PDF version

Wednesday 26 September 2018

A win for the fight against poverty in Newcastle

The Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance and the Australian Unemployed Workers Union have been campaigning to increase
the Newstart allowance, and at last night’s Ordinary Council Meeting, Newcastle’s Councillors voted unanimously to
endorse the campaign.

“We know that only federal government can raise Newstart, but local Councils can add their voice to the growing number of
business, welfare, and union groups across Australia that are calling for a raise” Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance
coordinator, Mr Chris Parish said.

“This unanimous vote shows that our Council and Councillors understand how difficult it is for unemployed people to
survive today, and acknowledges the significant social and personal harm caused by unemployment, both in Newcastle
and across the nation.”

Newstart is only $273 per week, which is $160 per week below the poverty-line. It has not been raised in real terms for 24
years. “A raise in Newstart would not only be good for the mental and physical health of unemployed people. It would be
good for the local economy, by increasing the spending power of those on the lowest incomes, and good for the local
community, by reducing social isolation and exclusion”, Mr Parish added.
Over the last several months, similar campaigns across the country have resulted in 18 local Councils in South Australia,
Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia passing motions calling for Newstart to be raised. Newcastle City Council is
the first to do so in New South Wales.


Current Unemployment Rates in Australia and Newcastle
• In March 2018 there were 848,600 unemployed recipients of Newstart or Youth Allowance.
• Our national unemployment rate of 5.4% is no longer below the OECD average.
• The greater Newcastle unemployment rate is above state and National averages. With some of the outer suburbs
measuring at a consistent 17% for youth unemployment.
The Newstart Allowance and the Henderson Poverty Line
• The Henderson poverty line is a threshold for measuring a person or families circumstances and relative poverty.
Anyone below the Henderson line is considered to be in poverty.
• The Newstart Allowance sits below the Henderson poverty line, and has not been raised in real terms for over 24 years.
• If you are single and without dependent children, the maximum fortnightly payment you would receive under the
Newstart Allowance is $545.80. This increases to $590.40 per fortnight if you have a child or dependent children. If you
are unemployed and over the age of 60, the maximum fortnightly Newstart allowance is $590.40
• On any objective measure, surviving on $40 a day would be extremely difficult accounting for necessities – food,
clothing and shelter, as well as other living expenses.

• In 2015, a survey of 600 Newstart recipients conducted by the Australian Council of Social Services reported:
– 40% are unable to pay their bills on time or see a dentist.
– 46% are only able to afford second-hand clothes most of the time.
– 50% are unable to raise $2,000 in the event of an emergency.
– 50% are turning off heating and cooling to save money.
– 32% skipped meals in the previous year.
– 25% are suffering from ‘housing crisis’ – spending more than half their income on rent.
– 20% do not have enough money for essentials like housing, food, and electricity.

For further information or interviews, contact Chris Parish on 0402852912 or

Trouble Calling Centrelink? Contact Keenan!

If you thought being on hold was bad enough, the government has made it even harder for unemployed workers to contact Centrelink. The Newstart line now automatically hangs up on unemployed workers if there are not enough staff on the line.

This is a disgrace.

Centrelink have ignored 106 million calls since 2016.

If you cannot get through to the Newstart line, contact the Human Services Minister Michael Keenan’s office and ask them to put you through. If we all call, they will take notice.

You can also call your local MP who should be able to put you straight through to Centrelink.

Also sign our petition for a adequately staffed free-call number here.



Senate Inquiry into jobactive

The Senate Inquiry into jobactive has heard from stakeholders at three hearings. You can read the transcripts here.

ABC Radio Brisbane Focus with Emma Griffiths discusses why jobactive and employment services deserve a Senate Inquiry, with AUWU’s Jeremy Poxon, Greens Senator Rachel Siewert, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, and some great radio talkback.

We did it!

Back in May, the AUWU asked Greens Senator Rachel Siewert to investigate the government’s punitive and dysfunctional jobactive system. On Wednesday, the Senate agreed to the inquiry. Thank you Senator Rachel Siewert!​

Years of hard work by AUWU volunteers have paid off. This is a high-level investigation into the abuses and wastefulness of jobactive – a $7 billion privatised employment services system.

Click here to tell the Senate your story. You have until 28 September 2018.

​This is a huge opportunity to shout loud and clear about how jobactive has impacted you or people you know. Finally, we will be heard.

Every story is vital!  If you have told your story before, tell it again.​ If you have not yet come forward with your story, now is the time.

You can submit anonymously if you wish.

Write up your experiences of jobactive in your own words. Write as much or as little as you like. Add whatever information you feel is appropriate.​​

Here are the terms of reference for the inquiry:

Please share this post throughout your networks.

Join the Deluge!

The AUWU takes a strong position on jobactive

“The level of abuse inflicted on unemployed workers by the Department’s jobactive system is a national disgrace and must be addressed immediately.”

The AUWU submission about the jobactive contract is now public! Click here to read it.

The 54-page submission which the AUWU made on behalf of unemployed and underemployed workers makes for inspiring reading!

No other organisation is taking such a stand against the institutionalised bullying of unemployed workers. The AUWU not only points out how and why the “employment services” system is broken. In this submission, you can also read about the AUWU’s positive alternative vision for an economy that is inclusive of all.

Have a read of this important document, and you will find out what the AUWU is all about, and why you are not alone when feeling beaten up by your job agency.

So what is this submission for? The Government is in the process of writing the new “jobactive” contract. This is the agreement that governs what happens between unemployed workers and caseworkers at job agencies.

We thank the many AUWU members who made individual submissions during the public consultation phase, and congratulate the AUWU Team on this excellent work!

Stay tuned, and stay united in keeping a close eye on what the government is preparing to dish up to unemployed workers.

Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union: fighting for dignified social security and employment!


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BSB: 633 000
The AUWU is Australia’s only national organisation advocating by and for unemployed workers.
We rely entirely on our volunteers, and on contributions from supporters like you.