Category Archives: Announcements

Half of Unemployed Dumped Their Demerits!

In July, the AUWU launched its Dump Your Demerits Campaign and encouraged unemployed workers to fight the imposition of unfair demerit points.

We have just been informed that between July and September this year, 50% of unemployed workers facing the ‘penalty zone’ successfully managed to get Centrelink to Dump Their Demerits.

This shows that the Demerit Point system is simply continuation the unfairness of the previous compliance system which also had a 50% error rate. This is a national disgrace.

In our petition here we are demanding Kelly O’Dwyer abolish this unfair compliance system.

We are joining forces with GetUp!

As unemployed workers, governments have always locked us out of policy decisions that affect our lives. With your help, we can finally have our voices heard.

Since 2015, unemployed workers have been building a strong voice within the AUWU. Now, we have joined forces with GetUp! to make our voices even stronger.

As part of this campaign, GetUp! will amplify the voices of unemployed AUWU members demanding the Coalition increase Newstart and address Australia’s growing jobs crisis.

Please fill out our short questionnaire to lend your voice to this campaign. 

GetUp! will provide media training, ongoing support, and cover all associated costs of anyone acting as a spokesperson for this campaign.

Thanks to GetUp’s reach, we have an opportunity to start a new era of Australian politics in which the rights and dignity of unemployed workers are respected.

For this campaign to work, it is crucial individual unemployed workers speak out.

To apply to represent the AUWU in this campaign, please fill out this short 2 minute questionnaire.

Once you fill it out, we will be in touch with more details.

Let’s make history!

Additionally, GetUp! are giving free tickets away to AUWU members to its Future to Fight For campaign events next month in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. This event will feature the famed Job Guarantee advocate and key economic advisor to the Sanders campaign Steph Kelton. Apply online for a free solidarity ticket here – just remember to say you are an AUWU member when you submit your application!

Justice For Josh Snap Action

It’s now been over 30 months since 18-year old Josh Park-Fing died on his Toowoomba ‘Work for the Dole’ site – yet, the Morrison government still refuses all requests to release the report into his death, or take any responsibility for this dangerous program.  In fact, last month the Morrison government significantly expanded this punitive and dangerous program. Two-and-a-half years after their tragic loss, Josh’s grieving family continues to wait for answers.

Josh’s employment service provider NEATO has now been fined a measly $90k for forcing him into a compliance activity that ultimately took his life.

Join the AUWU’s Snap Rally at Kelly O’Dwyer’s office tomorrow afternoon to demand Justice For Josh and help us present this petition! RSVP below.

To ramp up the pressure, we are also asking people to call Kelly’s office office on (03) 9822 4422. Tell her to release the report into Josh’s death. Ask her why her government continues to roll out a program that fails to meet proper workplace health & safety standards 64% of the time. And tell her, for the safety and well-being of all workers, to shut this awful program down

Report calls for government to offer jobs not compliance!

Working It Out: Employment Services in Australia is now available! A report investigating job agencies from the point of view of unemployed workers, authored by Per Capita think tank, and the AUWU.

Key Recommendations:

  1. A Government commitment to full employment and the enactment of policies to achieve this
  2. The restoration of some market share of the employment services system to public service delivery
  3. The establishment of an Employment Services Ombudsman
  4. The separation of enforcement of mutual obligations from the provision of employment services, and the restoration of public sector responsibility for the imposition of penalties
  5. The introduction of standardised training for employment services and limits on the maximum caseload size of consultants
  6. An immediate increase in the rate of Newstart by $75 per week
  7. An increase in Commonwealth Rent Assistance through indexing it to housing costs
“It’s not hard to work out. Make the system about helping people get work instead of about punishing people.” – Susan, unemployed worker, Melbourne, VIC. July 2018.

Changes effective 20 September 2018

Yes they are confusing!

Read the Department’s own fact sheet here.

To help you interpret what this means for your situation, remember:

  • “annual activity requirement” = things like approved study, or paid work, or voluntary work, or Work for the Dole, and are usually over a period of 6 months
  • “mutual obligations” = things like job searches, appointments with your job provider, and are usually spelled out in your “job plan”