Category Archives: Announcements

Solving Our Employment Crisis Conference


With 11 job seekers competing for every job vacancy going by the official figures, it is clear that Federal Government must take action now to address Australia’s worsening employment crisis.

However, what exactly the Federal Government should do about this crisis is less clear.

With the aim of building toward a united position amongst interest groups, the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union has organised a conference into solving this worsening employment crisis.

Speakers include:

Ged Kearney (President, Australian Council of Trade Unions)
Cassandra Goldie (CEO, Australian Council of Social Services)
Bill Mitchell (Academic, Centre of Full Employment and Equity)
David Thompson (CEO, Jobs Australia)
Pas Forgione (Welfare Rights Activist, Anti Poverty Network)
Kim Windsor (Disability Advocate, Windsor & Associates)
Guardian Journalist Van Badham will be hosting the event.

More speakers and details to be announced closer to the date.

Click here to RSVP to confirm your attendance


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Membership Drive

Do you want to join our membership drive?

Send your mailing address to and we will send you an Activist Pack by mail which includes:

3 x A3 Posters
5 x advocacy hotline business cards
40 x leaflets


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Are your mutual obligation activities fair?

Many unemployed workers are being forced to do things that, according to the letter of the law, they do not have to do.

Have a look below at the Government’s official jobseeker requirements tables to ensure the mutual obligation requirement activities your are being told to do by your job agent are fair.

For a guide to the deliberately confusing jargon and acronyms, click here.

Are you doing something you don’t have to? Check below:Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 20.04.15

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