Category Archives: Announcements

Income Support Bonus & Other Supplements & Allowances

Sourced from Centrelink’s “A Guide to Australian Government Payments 20 September – 31 December 2016”

Income Support Bonus

  • The Income Support Bonus is a tax-free payment made twice annually to eligible recipients to assist with unexpected costs.
  • Qualifying payments include Newstart Allowance, Sickness Allowance, Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY Living Allowance, Special Benefit, Parenting Payment Single, Parenting Payment Partnered and Farm Household Allowance.
  • Recipients of an education allowance under the Veterans’ Children Education Scheme and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme are also eligible.
  • To be eligible a person must be under age pension age and qualified for, and in receipt of, a qualifying payment on 20 March and/or 20 September.
  • Eligible recipients are only entitled to one Income Support Bonus payment in each instalment period regardless of how many qualifying payments they receive.
  • The Income Support Bonus payment instalment rates are:
    Member of a couple
    Member of a couple separated by illness
    Member of a couple partner is in respite care
    Member of a couple partner is in prison
  • The payment will be paid on the earliest day on which it is reasonably practicable after the test days in March and September. The payment will be indexed to Consumer Price Index twice annually, in March and September.

The payments are not separately means-tested.

Recipients of Widow Allowance and Partner Allowance are not eligible. They will continue to be eligible for Utilities Allowance.

The Income Support Bonus is not payable to recipients who are in receipt of Pension Supplement above the Pension Supplement basic amount.

To qualify for the full amount each year, a recipient would need to be qualified for, and in receipt of one of the qualifying payments on both 20 March and 20 September.

Job Commitment Allowance

Note: The Job Commitment Bonus program will cease on 31 December 2016, subject to the repeal of enabling legislation. The program and payments will continue until the repeal date. Individuals who are qualified to claim at the time of the repeal will be able to lodge a claim for the bonus and will have 90 days to do so. Those who would have qualified after the legislative repeal date will no longer be able to lodge a claim for the bonus.

The Job Commitment Bonus is a payment to encourage long-term unemployed young Australians to find and keep work.

There are two Job Commitment Bonus payments.

Basic conditions of eligibility

For the first Job Commitment Bonus payment:

  • you must be aged 18 or over and under 31 years of age when in receipt of Newstart Allowance or Youth Allowance as a job seeker, and
  • while aged 18 or over and under 31 years of age have been in receipt of Newstart Allowance or Youth Allowance as a job seeker or a combination of both for a continuous period of at least 12 months, and
  • commenced gainful employment in Australia on or after 1 July 2014 for a continuous period of 12 months and not received an income support payment.

For the second Job Commitment Bonus payment:

  • you must be eligible to receive the first Job Commitment Bonus payment, and
  • have completed a further 12 continuous months of gainful employment in Australia and not re-ceived an income support payment.

Continuous work

A period of continuous work will include:

  • taking paid leave
  • taking up to 28 days of unpaid leave in the 12 month period
  • if undertaking more than one job in the 12 month period there can be a break of no more than five business days of unpaid leave between jobs. These days are included in the 28 days of unpaid leave calculation.

Gainful employment

Certain types of employment will not attract a Job Commitment Bonus. These may include employ-ment that:

  • does not involve sufficient financial gain or reward, for example, voluntary employment or em-ployment for less than the National Minimum Wage or Award Wage
  • does not involve substantial and consistent personal exertion, for example selling own goods on eBay or garage sales, or occasional blogging
  • involves domestic or gardening tasks at your or your family member’s place of residence or an investment property owned by yourself or a family member
  • involves caring for or doing domestic tasks for a family member or their foster child, or a person residing at your or your family member’s place of residence, or involves the management of fi-nancial investments in which you or your family member has an interest
  • involves nudity or is in the sex industry
  • contravenes Commonwealth, state or territory legislation, for example, criminal activity
  • is for the purpose of achieving election of yourself to public office
  • is undertaken as part of certain Commonwealth funded programs, for example, the Green Army Programme (in relation to certain participants) and the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme
  • is done for the purpose of an academic, sporting or other scholarship
  • involves payment-in-kind or exchange of services.

Residence requirements

  • Must be an Australian citizen or permanent visa holder.

Basic rates

  • The first Job Commitment Bonus is $2,500 for 12 months of continuous gainful work.
  • The second Job Commitment Bonus is $4,000 for a further 12 months of continuous gainful work.

Income test

  • No income test.

Asset test

  • No asset test.

Pension Supplement

  • A Pension Supplement is added to the regular fortnightly payment made to recipients of Age Pension, Carer Payment, Wife Pension, Widow B Pension, Bereavement Allowance, Disability Support Pension (except if aged under 21 without children) and to certain other income support payment recipients if the person has reached age pension age.
  • The maximum Pension Supplement is currently $65.10 a fortnight for singles and $98.20 a fortnight for couples, combined.
  • The minimum Pension Supplement is an amount below which the Pension Supplement does not fall until income or assets reach a level that would otherwise reduce a total pension including Pension Supplement to nil. The minimum amount is currently $34.90 a fortnight for singles, and $52.80 for couples combined.
  • Pensioners may elect to receive the minimum pension supplement amount on a quarterly basis. Installments will be paid as soon as possible after 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December each year.
  • The Pension Supplement is paid while the person is in Australia or, if outside Australia, only while the person has the right to continue to be paid their social security payment outside Australia. After an absence of more than six weeks outside Australia, the Pension Supplement is reduced to the Pension Supplement Basic Amount.
  • The Pension Supplement Basic Amount is currently $22.70 a fortnight for singles and $37.40 a fortnight for both members of a couple, combined.
  • Recipients of Parenting Payment (Single) under age pension age have the Pension Supplement Basic Amount added to their regular fortnightly payment.

Telephone Allowance

Telephone Allowance is a quarterly payment to assist with the cost of maintaining a telephone service; it is not paid to assist with the cost of telephone calls.

Telephone Allowance is paid to telephone subscribers who receive the Disability Support Pension and who are aged under 21 years without children and to Parenting Payment (Single) recipients who are under age pension age. Telephone Allowance is also paid to telephone subscribers who receive certain social security allowance payments and are in specific circumstances.

A higher rate of Telephone Allowance is payable to recipients of Disability Support Pension who are aged under 21 years without children if they or their partner have a home internet connection.

The current rate of Telephone Allowance is $112.80 per year ($28.20 per quarter). The higher rate of Telephone Allowance is $168 per year ($42 per quarter) for home internet subscribers. This amount is shared between both members of an eligible couple.

The payment is made in January, March, July and September each year and is adjusted to increases in the Consumer Price Index in September. For most pensioners and other income support recipients who have reached age pension age, the value of Telephone Allowance has been either added into the Pension Supplement or forms part of the rate paid under transitional arrangements.

Utilities Allowance

Utilities Allowance is a quarterly payment to recipients of Widow Allowance and Partner Allowance who are under age pension age, and to Disability Support Pension recipients (under 21 without children) to assist with meeting the cost of utilities bills. The payment is made in March, June, September and December each year and is adjusted to increases in the Consumer Price Index in March and September. The current annual rate is $609.20 for singles and $304.60 for each eligible member of a couple.

For most pensioners and other income support recipients who have reached age pension age, the value of Utilities Allowance has been either added into the Pension Supplement or forms part of the rate paid under transitional arrangements.

Pharmaceutical Allowance

Rate: $6.20 per fortnight for an eligible single person, and $3.10 per fortnight for each eligible member of a couple (i.e. $6.20 in total if both members of a couple are eligible). However, where a person is a member of an illness separated couple or a respite care couple or where a partner is in prison, the rate is $6.20 per fortnight (i.e. same as for a single person).

Note: Pharmaceutical Allowance may be paid for temporary absences until the primary payment ceases, or for up to 26 weeks if the primary payment may be paid indefinitely.

For most pensioners and other income support recipients who have reached age pension age, the value of Pharmaceutical Allowance has either been incorporated into the Pension Supplement or forms part of the rate paid under transitional arrangements.

Conditions under which Pharmaceutical Allowance is paid:

Disability Support Pension
Automatically paid to those under 21 years of age without children
Parenting Payment (Single)
Automatically paid if under age pension age.
Sickness Allowance
Automatically paid.
Newstart Allowance
Must be temporarily incapacitated, or have a partial capacity to work, or be a single principal carer of a dependent child, or be over 60 years of age and have been in receipt of income support continuously for at least nine months.
Partner Allowance
Widow Allowance
Special Benefit*

Must be temporarily incapacitated, or be over 60 years of age and have been in receipt of income support continuously for at least nine months.

*Note: Special Benefit recipients are not required to be Australian residents in order to be paid Pharmaceutical Allowance.

Must be over 60 years of age and have been in receipt of income support continuously for at least nine months.
Parenting Payment (Partnered)
Must be over 60 years of age and have been in receipt of income support continuously for at least nine months or be unable to meet participation requirements due to a temporary incapacity.
Sickness Allowance
Automatically paid.
Youth Allowance (job seeker)
Must be either temporarily incapacitated or a single principal carer of a dependent child or have a partial capacity to work.
Youth Allowance (full-time students and Australian Apprentices)
Must be temporarily incapacitated.

Note: Pharmaceutical Allowance may be paid for temporary absences until the primary payment ceases, or for up to 26 weeks if the primary payment may be paid indefinitely.

For most pensioners and other income support recipients who have reached age pension age, the value of Pharmaceutical Allowance has either been incorporated into the Pension Supplement or forms part of the rate paid under transitional arrangements.

Correspondence with Department of Human Services

The AUWU recently contacted the Department of Human Services about a growing problem of unemployed workers having their medical certificates rejected without any explanation. The AUWU also contacted the Guardian about this issue who published a story on it.

Below is the completely unsatisfactory response we have received from DHS. If like the AUWU, you are unhappy with this response, why not contact Human Service Minister Alan Tudge ( / 03 9887 3890) and demand a better explanation?


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We Now Have a DSP Officer

Are you trying to get on the Disability Support Pension but keep getting knocked back?

Are you one of the 80,000+ DSP recipients who are being forced off the payment?

The AUWU is proud to announce we have just appointed a DSP officer to help you with your DSP application.

Our DSP officer is also an expert on Carers Payment and Mobility Allowance.

Please contact for further information.

Be sure to provide the following information in your email:

  • What payment you are on (if any)?
  • How long you have been on the payment
  • If you are working, how many hours per week to you work?
  • A summary of the problem you need help with

This is not legal advice. It is information about your rights under the relevant legislation and guidelines.

Have you been unfairly fined by your job agent? Join our legal challenge!

The Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union is preparing our legal challenge against the Centrelink compliance system. Read the Guardian’s story on our legal challenge here.
The AUWU has received legal advice from a barrister which states we have a strong case and asks us to collect cases of penalties being imposed unfairly.
In order for you to join our legal challenge, we have been informed by legal council that we need the following:
  • Send a brief description (a few paragraphs) of what penalty your job agent (and Centrelink) imposed on you to Be sure to include when it was, under what circumstances and your full name, address and contact details.
  • If your story can assist us with our legal challenge, we will then ask for a more detailed statement which you will have to sign off on.
  • We will then use your statement to ask Centrelink for a number of documents under Freedom of Information that relate to your case.Look forward to hearing from you.

New Rules: Work for the Dole After 12 Months From October

As part of the budget, from 1st October unemployed workers will enter their ‘Work for the Dole phase’ after 12 months instead of six months.

Below is an exerpt from the Jobs Australia website giving some more details.

The Work for the Dole community will be wondering what the implications of the budget announcements regarding the new Youth Jobs PaTH and better targeted Work for the Dole will mean in terms of the ongoing demand for places.  From 1 October Stream A job seekers WfD (and AAR) phase will kick in every 12 months instead of every 6 months.  At this stage Jobs Australia believes the measure will not apply to job seekers whose 6 month anniversary falls in the period before 1 October.  This means the bulk of job seekers who commenced in the first wave of jobactive who remained unemployed will re-enter the WfD phase at 1 July 2016.  We will ask the Department of Employment for more information about the anticipated demand for WfD places from 1 July 2016. Meanwhile information about the distribution of job seekers in  WfD activities by Stream and Age is available in the Employment Department of Employment Question No. EMSQ16-000153 here. Tables from this Question on Notice are below.