Category Archives: Announcements

Justice For Josh National Day of Action This Thursday!

This is the grave of Josh Park-Fing. 

In 2016, Josh was forced ride on the back of a flat bed trailer being pulled by a tractor without a harness. He fell off, hit his head, and died.

Next Thursday (19th of April) will mark two years since Josh tragically died at his Work for the Dole site in Toowoomba.
In collaboration with Josh’s father Iain, the AUWU are holding events in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane demanding the government finally release the report into Josh’s death and shut down this dangerous and punitive program.

Please join us and help us send a clear message to the Coalition that we will not accept more Australians being forced to work for nothing at dangerous work sites.

RSVP for Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane events below:

– Justice4Josh Melbourne –
3pm-7pm, Unitarian Peace Church , 110 Grey Street East Melbourne
Speakers include: Adam Bandt (Greens), Simeone Casey (Jobs Australia), Maddy Sutton (Turner Freeman Lawyers), Panel of Work for the Dole participants.
– Justice4Josh Sydney –
1pm-3pm, Martin Place, Sydney CBD
Speakers include: Ed Husic (ALP), Lee Rhiannon (Greens), Open Mike of Unemployed Workers
– Justice4Josh Brisbane –
2pm-3:30pm, Victoria Park, 545 Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill
Brisbane Rally will be presenting this petition to Grace Grace. See petition here

Justice For Josh Event: Memorial and Public Forum

On the 19th of April 2016, 18 year-old Josh Park Fing tragically died at his government-approved Work for the Dole site in Toowoomba. Josh was forced to rise on the back of a flat bed trailer without a harness. Josh fell off and died.

After Josh’s death, Minister of Employment Michaelia Cash promised to conduct an investigation and to publish a report within a month. Two years on and the Park-Fing family, Josh’s friends and the general public are still waiting for answers.

This year marks twenty years since Work for the Dole was first rolled out by the Howard government. As a society, we need to urgently reevaluate our commitment to Work for the Dole and ask the question – is this the way we want to treat our unemployed citizens?

Come along to this Forum to hear from politicians, legal experts, welfare sector representatives, job agencies and of course unemployed workers to learn more about Work for the Dole.

AUWU’s work for the dole survey results will also be released. If you have participated in WFTD, fill out our survey here.

Speakers Include:

Adam Bandt MP: Employment and Industrial Relations Spokesperson, The Greens
Mike Nelson: Occupational, Heath and Safety Expert
Micheal Smart: Work for the Dole Participant

Many more to be announced.


Unwaged: Free
Waged: $10
Solidarity: $20

All tickets sold at the door.

RSVP below.


Dodgy Text Message from Providers. Ignore it!

Have you received this text message from you job agency?

A number of our members have reported they received it recently. We got advice about what it could be referring to and at the time of writing there is no scheduled change to come in at that time.

It seems that the job agencies are using this text message to bully people into accepting unfair job plans.

We encourage all members to report this behaviour to the department by calling the customer service line on 1800 805 260



Dial Dan Campaign Launched!

In 2016, there were over 53 million failed calls to Centrelink. The Centrelink Newstart line is engaged most of the day, which means it is almost impossible for unemployed workers to contact Centrelink to report their income, resolve a suspension, report a change in circumstance of simple ask a question.

This is outrageous. It is a clear indication of this government’s approach to the unemployed: they do not want to hear what we have to say.

As part of our Dial Dan campaign, we are encouraging everyone who can’t get through to Centrelink to call the office of the Minister for Social Services Dan Tehan to ask what his office is doing about this crisis and to transfer you through.

If enough of us call the office, the government might start to actually address this problem.

Mr. Tehan’s number is 1300 131 692.

The AUWU have also released a petition asking for Mr. Tehan to introduce an adequately staffed free call Centrelink number that offers calls backs to people in the queue. Other departments do this, so why can’t Centrelink? Please sign here.

Join our campaign for a contactable centrelink! Please share this campaign throughout your networks.

Media Release: Public Action Forum Against Welfare Crackdown

Media Release: AUWU bringing grassroots organisations together to tackle government’s welfare crackdown

What: Community Forum

When: Friday 2 March 2018

Time: Guests will be available for interview between 2pm-7pm. Forum is from 4pm-7pm.

Where: Victorian Trades Hall Council Building (54 Victoria St, Melbourne)

Available for interview:

  • People who need government policy to change–quickly–before they end up homeless
  • Owen Bennett, Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union
  • Father Bob Maguire
  • Nina Springle, Australian Greens
  • Lara Watson, First Nations Workers’ Alliance
  • Steve Jolly, Yarra City Council 

                  RSVP: Jeremy Poxon (Ph: 0404 089 575)

You’re invited to attend a forum of people and organisations frustrated with the federal government’s current approach to those who are trying to survive on inadequate welfare support. Together, we’ll develop community action plans to tackle important issues, like housing, social security, unemployment, and poverty.


The Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union is hosting a public action forum to unite local people, welfare advocates and civil society groups in a discussion for a more dignified social security system.

This comes as the government tries to introduce new legislation (the notorious “Welfare Reform” and “Cashless Debit Card” Bills) into parliament, which the AUWU and many others believe is designed to punish the poor and dismantle Australia’s social security system.

“Despite already now wielding one of the toughest compliance regimes in the OECD, the Coalition wants to enforce even more demands and punishments on welfare recipients,” AUWU President Owen Bennett said.

“Clearly, this government has no interest in easing the burden of poverty and unemployment–instead, through these Bills, it seeks to worsen it.”

Bennett believes it’s now up to advocacy organisations like the AUWU, as well as welfare recipients themselves, to lead the charge and fight back against the government’s punitive policies.

He hopes the AUWU’s public action forum will inspire and educate budding community activists to join the growing grassroots movement for welfare rights.

Steve Jolly (Yarra City Councillor), Lara Watson (First Nations Workers’ Alliance), and Father Bob Maguire are just some of the key speakers Bennett and the AUWU have assembled to address the crowd of activists and concerned welfare recipients.

After these speeches, several action groups will form to discuss strategies to tackle a range of issues facing social security recipients, including homelessness, cashless debit cards, drug testing, and Work for the Dole.

“We’ve assembled some wonderful leaders and advocates, who we’re hoping will work with local activists on new, positive campaigns that will help and empower social security recipients,” Bennett said.