AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

To fight the government punitive approach to the unemployed, it is important that the voices of unemployed people are heard.   The AUWU is currently collecting stories from unemployed people about their experiences with job agencies with the aim of releasing a report next year exposing this broken and inhumane $11 billion system. With your permission, we will also be posting these stories on our website, social media and pitching stories to the media.  

AUWU Advocacy Course

Posted by AUWU on  September 6, 2017

Category: Announcements
The AUWU will be organising a advocacy course via correspondence in late September. Once students complete the course, they will considered for volunteering within the AUWU advocacy services. The course will be open to everyone. Please register your interest by RSVPing here. More information: AUWU 2015-16 advocacy Report AUWU Advocacy Services Homepage AUWU Stories and Forum

Share Your Story: Survey

Posted by AUWU on  September 1, 2017

Category: Announcements
We invite you to share your story by taking this survey. The AUWU is collecting stories from unemployed people about their experiences with job agencies. We will collate these stories into a report which makes a clear case that the job agency system is not working. Telling your story helps us to build this case. Please fill out this 5 minute survey. For those using their phones, click here for a more phone-friendly version of

#CallOutCash Campaign Launched

Posted by AUWU on  July 29, 2017

Category: Announcements
Last month, Minister Cash labelled the AUWU an “offensive” organisation “whose sole purpose appeared to be “keeping members out of gainful employment and encouraging them to shirk their responsibilities”. Cash did not offer any proof of this. It appears she just wanted to bully us because we are unemployed people trying to stand up for ourselves. Today we a hitting back with our #CallOutCash campaign. As part of this campaign, we are asking all our members and supporters to #CallOutCash by filling
By Ann-Maria, AUWU Member Ive been abused, harassed, cut off my payments because I missed an appointment i wasn’t informed of. I had a total hysterectomy in April this year. I had 2 severe infections and i caught bronchitis. Due to having cancer of the ovaries and cervix, and also due to surgery my immune system is very low which means i get a lot sicker for a lot longer. Ive also had 4 c-sections