AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

Make A Difference! Volunteer with the AUWU.

Posted by AUWU on  August 8, 2018

Category: Announcements
Are you fed up with Government and media bashing the unemployed? Do you want a future where everyone has a right to dignified employment and social security? The AUWU needs you! Meet amazing people and get invaluable experience volunteering at Australia’s only organisation representing unemployed workers. AUWU volunteers set their own hours, work mostly from home, and are supported by a team of coordinators. Our volunteers find helping unemployed workers deeply rewarding and appreciate being

Go Public

Posted by AUWU on  August 3, 2018

Category: Uncategorized
We are always looking to publish new stories and reports from unemployed workers. These stories have the power to challenge and change a broken system. If you’d like to share yours, please get in touch.

My Health Record

Posted by AUWU on  July 25, 2018

The AUWU takes no position on the My Health system. We encourage our members to make a decision based upon their individual circumstances. Below is our recommended reading on the issue. In a 27 July press release, ACOSS states: “we cannot support an Opt Out arrangement whilst it is clear that the current legislation is inadequate for protecting people’s basic privacy”. Courier Mail article sounds a note of caution. Very little is stopping My Health

jobactive 2020: Tell them to stop the abuse.

Posted by AUWU on  July 14, 2018

Category: Announcements
AUWU members are hammering the panel review of the jobactive contract (details below). Our members and allies are standing up for themselves and other unemployed workers. Truly inspiring! Check it out here. Tell them to stop the abuse. Tell them we want real jobs and real services. Something pretty big is in the works. And it is going to affect the lives of unemployed workers for years to come. A window of opportunity is cracked