Safety at Work for the Dole

According to the Work for the Dole guideline, two separate risk assessments must be undertaken by the Work for the Dole Coordinator and others to ensure that all unemployed workers undertaking a Work for the Dole activity have a safe working environment.
However, the AUWU have seen evidence again and again these risk assessments are not being conducted thoroughly.
We have been told of cases where unemployed workers on Work for the Dole sites have been threatened with sanctions when they raised safety issues – a clear breach of these rules.
We have heard of unemployed workers who have not been given adequate protection of training on their site.
We have heard cases of people with serious medical conditions being forced on Work for the Dole sites.
We have heard of cases of unemployed workers who have not been given access to the toilet.
The list goes on.
Clearly, these risk assessments are not doing their job and the Work for the Dole system is putting potentially thousands of unemployed workers in danger.
If you have been forced to attend an unsafe Work for the Dole site, please write us an email on

A copy of the Government’s insurance policy for Work for the Dole participants is available here.


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