Report the Rort Newsletter

Have you unfairly given a demerit point penalty? Have you been forced to attend an unsafe Work for the Dole activity? We want to hear your stories! We are currently working on articles with a number of media outlets to raise awareness about these issues. Help us get these stories out. Contact us below: Unfair Demerit Point Stories: Work for the Dole safety stories:

Christmas Centrelink Reporting Tables

Posted by AUWU on  December 11, 2018

Category: Announcements
Below is the reporting table for people who get the following allowances: Newstart Allowance Youth Allowance Sickness Allowance Partner Allowance Widow Allowance Farm Household Allowance This table is also for people who get: Austudy Special Benefit Status Resolution Support Services Payment Below is the reporting table for people who get the following pensions: Age Pension Disability Support Pension Double Orphan Pension Wife Pension Widow B Pension This table is also for people who get: Parenting

Share Your Compulsory Income Management Stories

Posted by AUWU on  December 5, 2018

Category: Announcements
Have you been forced onto an Income Management Program? Or did you manage to get an exemption from being forced onto Income Management? Please join our anonymous forum to share your stories As part of our campaign to stop forced income management, we are working with Accountable Income Management Network to collect stories and use them to put pressure on government to stop this system. Join our forum today!  

Protected: AGM Remote Nominations

Posted by AUWU on  November 25, 2018

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Category: Uncategorized
Below is a list of the nominations for the AUWU Annual General Meeting on Friday 30th of November in Melbourne. If you have RSVP’s for the AGM you will be sent instructions for attending via email. Remember, people can still nominate on the day. Remote Nominations For President Name: Alex Smith State: NSW Current / Previous Occupation / Volunteer Role: [Left Blank] How much time do you have to volunteer for the AUWU per week? 20 How would your


Posted by AUWU on  November 7, 2018

Category: Uncategorized