Report the Rort Newsletter

Open Letter to the Minister of Social Services

Posted by AUWU on  April 20, 2015

Category: Announcements
To see the Minister’s grossly inadequate response to this letter, click here 20 April 2015 The Hon. Scott Morrison, MP Minister for Social Services Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Minister, On behalf of the many Australians who believe in the importance of a fair and equitable welfare system, we the undersigned write to voice our strong objections to the harmful and damaging legislation currently before the Senate, which would introduce a 6-month waiting period

30 years working for dole a reality

Posted by AUWU on  March 3, 2015

Category: The Australian
THE AUSTRALIAN MARCH 02, 2015 12:00AM Sarah Martin JOBSEEKERS in remote indig­enous communities “with no economy” may never get a real job and could spend up to three decades working for the dole. However, Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion told The Australian that as long as jobseekers are taking part in 25 hours a week of meaningful community activities, working for the dole in perpetuity was not a negative outcome. “I don’t think that is

Melbourne and Sydney Branch Meetings

Posted by AUWU on  February 4, 2015

Category: Announcements
The Australian Unemployment Union is launching Branches in both Melbourne and Sydney. The next Branch meeting in Melbourne will be: When: 8th of May, 2015 Where: Trades Hall All are welcome! The next Sydney Branch meeting will be: 26th of May in at National Union of Workers building in Granville (3-5 Bridge Street) click here for more details  If you are interested in attending these Branch meetings, or would like to work toward starting an AUU branch

Tougher era ahead for welfare recipients

Posted by AUWU on  January 15, 2015

The Australian January 01, 2015 12:00AM Sid Maher National Affairs Editor Canberra Rosie Lewis Reporter Canberra New rules.  Source: TheAustralian A WIDENING of the deeming regime for retirees and tougher reporting restrictions for dole and disability support benefits recipients begins today with the start of 2015. Some of the biggest budget savings will not start as scheduled today, with the GP co-payment bogged in the Senate and the ­Coalition’s earn-or-learn crackdown for the young unemployed

Welfare to work drive has zero gain

Posted by AUWU on  January 15, 2015

The Australian January 02, 2015 12:00AM Sid Maher   WELFARE-to-work programs promoted by federal governments over the past decade have failed to have any substantial effect on the pool of about one million Australians not in work. Research by the country’s leading demographer reveals the extent of the economy’s shift from an unskilled to a skilled workforce — and the political challenge of finding jobs for the long-term unemployed. Peter McDonald, professor of demography at