The Senate has just extended the due date for submissions to its Newstart inquiry! Submissions will now close on Monday September 30. Writing a submission takes no longer than 2 – 3 minutes. The more submissions received, the more pressure there will be on the Morrison government to commit to an increase. Join the growing movement for an increase to Newstart by submitting on the government website here! You do not have to be receiving Newstart
President Tasks Understand, approve and review AUWU annual plan Attend monthly Committee of Management video conference meetings Facilitate / convene Committee of Management meetings Facilitate / convene National Steering Committee meetings Coach / mentor National Coordinator regularly and other CoM members as needed Attend meetings with stakeholders as required Estimate of minimum hourly commitment per week: 6-10 hours Secretary Tasks Understand, approve and review AUWU annual plan Attend monthly Committee of Management video conference meetings
The Senate has launched an inquiry on Newstart and related payments. This inquiry – titled ‘Adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia’ – gives us an great opportunity to tell the government about how the low rate of Newstart has been affecting our lives. Submissions close this Friday the 13th of September. It is due to report on 27 March 2020. You do not have to
AUWU advocacy services are a life-line for unemployed workers. For many in the employment services system, there is nowhere else to turn. As an unfunded advocacy service run entirely by unemployed volunteers, responding to every advocacy call and email is a challenge. Over the past few months, there has been an unprecedented demand for our service. Join our Melbourne advocacy mentorship program and help us make sure everyone who contacts the AUWU advocacy services gets
A seat at the table
Category: Announcements, Blog
It has been a long road for the AUWU to get a seat at the table with the federal Dept of Jobs to represent unemployed workers. For unemployed workers, this meeting was a watershed which, along with the jobactive and ParentsNext Senate Inquiries, means that our voices are finally being heard. This joint meeting was convened because AUWU President Owen Bennett had asked for the opportunity to discuss ways to distribute AUWU Rights Guides. This