Report the Rort Newsletter

Fight the Fine Phone Bank

Posted by AUWU on  February 14, 2016

Category: Uncategorized
In late March, the Senate will be debating the Coalition’s bill propsing to give job agencies unprecedented powers to fine unemployed workers.   After protesting against this bill outside Senators offices, the Australian Unemployed Workers Union is now encouraging its members to call their local Senators and voice their opposition to this cruel and punitive bill.   With many independents yet to make up their minds and Labor clearly unaware of the dangers of this

Work for the Dole Abuses

Posted by AUWU on  February 11, 2016

Unemployed workers are forced to do all sorts of unfair and unsafe Work for the Dole activities, and are ridiculed and humiliated while they do them. This page is a way to collect all these stories. If you have an experience, please email us on or post it below. Story #1 “Afternoon I’m new here and just have a question regarding wftd. I waked on mine after four days since I was ridiculed and
MARK CARNEGIE, THE AUSTRALIAN FEBRUARY 10, 2016 12:00AM As we go into the new political year, I am putting out a request to our sitting leaders: the Australian “innovation nation” desperately needs some innovative policy. Our stagnant political environment has got to respond to a changing economy by looking at radical ideas and trying new things. I have one such idea. Let’s trial an Australian basic income. An Aussie version of the universal basic income would
MICK GOODA THE AUSTRALIAN JANUARY 25, 2016 In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country, old wounds are being reopened. Many of our people are being forced to revisit the past trauma of income management and stolen wages. The federal government’s Healthy Welfare Card has created great concern and contention, as the measure will disproport­ionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and claw back our hard-won rights and freedoms. The government, with
The Australian Sarah Martin, 20 January 2016 Assistant Minister for Social Services Alan Tudge is overseeing the rollout of the cashless welfare card. Picture: Stuart McEvoy A cashless welfare card aimed at stemming alcohol abuse would be rolled out across the country under a welfare reform the Turnbull government is considering taking to the election. As regional trouble spots line up to be chosen for trials of the government’s new Healthy Welfare Card to begin