Report the Rort Newsletter

I am 51 years old, work as a casual Medical Receptionist. Was told I have to do work for the dole in a Local Charity shop. I know the manager there, she told me she is already over staffed but I was most welcome but I would be DUSTING all day.. I have over 20-30 years work history in admin, customer service, and owned a retail business for 10 years.. How is dusting going to

Speak Up About Your Job Agent!

Posted by AUWU on  May 19, 2016

Category: Announcements
We are currently gathering information about the experiences of unemployed workers at their job agency. Gathering information about your experiences with your job agency is the only way we can make sure we target our campaigns against this punitive employment services industry in the right way. By filling out this 2-minute survey, you will enable us to suit our services better to your needs. The information you give will be kept confidential and anonymous (unless you state otherwise).

Response to the PaTH program

Posted by AUWU on  May 12, 2016

Category: Announcements
  APR 30, 2016 MAX OPRAY The ABS unemployment figure, used to direct government policy, ignores hundreds of thousands of jobless Australians. MAX OPRAY Aimee Rose, 19, until recently was one of the country’s many hidden jobless.  Sleeping rough on the streets of Adelaide, Aimee Rose didn’t feel like she counted for anything. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), it seems, was inclined to agree with her.Despite being jobless and periodically homeless for most of

Work for the Dole Insurance

Posted by AUWU on  April 20, 2016

For those who are curious about what happens in the case of someone dying during Work for the Dole, like what happened in Toowoomba on the 19th of April.   For the entire Job Seeker Insurance Guideline, click Here.