Report the Rort Newsletter


Posted by AUWU on  January 17, 2018

I arrived at Wesley Mission (Flemington) at around 2:40pm for my 2:45 appointment. I went to go wait on the computers as usual. 3:00pm – no sign of my job agent. 3:15pm – no sign. 3:30pm – nothing. I wondered how long would I have to wait for them to notice I was still here. By 3:50pm they won. I went to the desk to ask what was happening. The receptionist said “were you waiting in

Wesley Mission Job Agency Appointment

Posted by AUWU on  January 17, 2018

  I arrived at Wesley Mission (Flemington) at around 2:40pm for my 2:45 appointment. I went to go wait on the computers as usual. 3:00pm – no sign of my job agent. 3:15pm – no sign. 3:30pm – nothing. I wondered how long would I have to wait for them to notice I was still here. By 3:50pm they won. I went to the desk to ask what was happening. The receptionist said “were you waiting


Posted by 01.obiwan1955 on  December 19, 2017

Category: Uncategorized
The Coalition Government wants to pass two Bills: the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017, which contains a raft of punitive measures, and the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card) Bill 2017, which seeks to unjustifiably expand cashless welfare. Drug testing may be off the table, but the fight isn’t over. Parliament will re-open on the 5th of February – we have only until then to influence the decision our representatives will
By Jeremy Poxon on December 2, 2017 Christian Porter is commending his government for ‘taking risks’ with the lives of vulnerable people, writes Jeremy Poxon from the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union. Last week, Social Services Minister Christian Porter lauded his government’s increasingly punitive and evidence-deficient policies (see: drug-testing welfare recipients) as “bold” and “innovative” strategies that will continue to deliver savings to the Federal budget. In a speech at the National Press Club on Wednesday,

Online Advocacy Course Now Online!

Posted by AUWU on  October 3, 2017

Category: Announcements
The AUWU’s free online Advocacy Course is now online. Click here to start the course!