Report the Rort Newsletter

Changes effective 20 September 2018

Posted by AUWU on  October 7, 2018

Category: Announcements
Yes they are confusing! Read the Department’s own fact sheet here. To help you interpret what this means for your situation, remember: “annual activity requirement” = things like approved study, or paid work, or voluntary work, or Work for the Dole, and are usually over a period of 6 months “mutual obligations” = things like job searches, appointments with your job provider, and are usually spelled out in your “job plan”

A win for the fight against poverty in Newcastle

Posted by AUWU on  September 28, 2018

Category: Announcements
Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance_Media Release_26.09.18 (1) – PDF version MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday 26 September 2018 A win for the fight against poverty in Newcastle The Newcastle Anti-Poverty Alliance and the Australian Unemployed Workers Union have been campaigning to increase the Newstart allowance, and at last night’s Ordinary Council Meeting, Newcastle’s Councillors voted unanimously to endorse the campaign. “We know that only federal government can raise Newstart, but local Councils can add their voice to the growing

Report the Rort Newsletter Issue #4

Posted by AUWU on  September 13, 2018

Category: Report the Rort
THURSDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Each week we’re sending out reports of job agencies’ misconduct and mistreatment in your own words. Please keep adding your voices. And another reminder that submissions to the senate enquiry into jobactive close on the 28th of September so please fill out our survey as soon as you can, or submit to the senate enquiry yourself — there’s a submission example included below that was helpfully posted on the forum. SARINA

Report the Rort Newsletter Issue #3

Posted by AUWU on  September 6, 2018

Category: Report the Rort
THURSDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Every week we’re sending out your stories of job agency mistreatment and misconduct. From job agency bullying to dodgy Work for the Dole sites – we want to hear about all of your experiences. Is there a time when you’ve successfully stood up for your rights? Let other unemployed workers know, and motivate them to do the same! Please keep sharing your stories on our forum. WALK INTO FIRST APPOINTMENT: SHOWERED