If you are one of the many thousand of unemployed Australians who get cut off their Newstart, it is important that you ‘re-engage’ as quick as possible in order to get back on the payment and avoid losing money.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get back on the payment after you get cut off.

  1. Call the Centrelink Participation Team

    First you need to work out your problem with Centrelink.

    It is a common mistake for people to go to their job agency to work out your problem. However, job agencies are very untrustworthy and can give you incorrect information.

    By calling the Centrelink Participations Team on 1300 306 325 you can go over the head of your agency and work out the problem with Centrelink directly.

    In fact, the Centrelink Participation Team are required to call you to sort out the issue immediately after you get suspended from payment.

  2. Call your Job Agency to Reschedule a ‘Re-engagement’ Appointment

    In order to get back on the payment, you must be attending monthly appointments with your job agency. If you have not already got an appointment booked, call up your job agency and ask for them to reschedule a ‘re-engagement’ appointment.

    Remember you have the right to reasonable notice of at least 3 calendar days before the reschedule you, although you may want to attend the appointment as soon as possible if you are required to re-engage.

  3. Make a complaint (if applicable)

    We encourage all breached unemployed workers to make a complaint if they feel they have been unfairly penalised. Please click here for more information.

    We would also greatly appreciate it if you could send your stories to us so we can publicise the abuse of unemployed workers (anonymously) on our facebook and website