Download leaflet pdf here (about 8MB)
Introduce yourself as an AUWU volunteer to your local ALP, Greens, or union office. These organisations have offered to help print AUWU material. Ask if they can help you print the above pdf file.
Depending on your printer settings, you might need to choose:
- A4
- double-sided
- colour
- landscape
- flip on short edge
Folding Instructions
Fold it accordion style into four sections. (Start by folding the page in half in the “white” section.)
AUWU members are handing around the leaflet outside Centrelinks. For more ideas, and to swap notes on how to get these leaflets out to unemployed workers, sign up to our Job Agency Action Group. Let’s have some fun!

Amazing what goes down outside of Centrelinks these days! Members of the AUWU Wonthaggi Branch leafletted Centrelink and two jobs agencies in their town on Monday, 2nd July, alerting people to the brutal new demerit points system. Geoff Ellis, Bass Coast Shire councillor (2nd from left) was there to support them.