Category Archives: Uncategorized

Deal looms on wait for the dole under Newstart Allowance plans

Deal looms on wait for the dole under Newstart Allowance plans

UNEMPLOYED people under 30 would face a shorter wait for the Newstart Allowance payment than the six-month proposal unveiled in the budget, as the Abbott government prepares to compromise in order to get its controversial welfare reforms through the Senate.

The Australian understands that senior members of the ­Coalition have conceded that getting the proposal for a full six months off the dole through the Senate is extremely difficult, or even impossible, and are prepared to accept a shorter waiting period. The government is expected to be able to get the radical measure through if it settles for a waiting period of one month, as operates in New Zealand.

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More rate cuts expected as Australian unemployment heads for 11-year high

Reserve Bank of Australia
Australia’s sluggish economy could need further rate cuts by the end of the year as unemployment looks set to hit an 11-year high, economists have warned.

Business confidence fell from seven points in February to four in March, according to the National Australia Bank monthly survey on Tuesday. Business conditions remained subdued but lifted slightly to one point in March.

Optimism was at its lowest level since its post-federal election bounce last year and mining was the least confident industry, the report said.

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Who We Are

The Australian Unemployment Union is an organisation by the unemployed, for the unemployed.

Our mission at the AUU is to protect the common interests of the 750,000+ Australians who are currently unemployed.  By organising and sharing our experiences and common grievances, as unemployed Australians we can fight back against the endless attacks being launched against us. Only by fighting together can we force the Australian government to create a fair and humane welfare system for all.

To protect our welfare state from the government’s ongoing assault, however, it is clear that we will need the help of the wider Australian public. It is for this reason that the Australian Unemployment Union welcomes all those dependent on Centrelink, as well as all those who have jobs, to join our struggle for a fair and humane welfare state.

In fact, establishing a broad community of people who are committed to fighting against the governments brutal treatment of Australia’s most vulnerable – from Trade Unions to other political organisations – is an essential step if we are to achieve our objectives.

 Join us and Fight back!