Job snobs who refuse work because it’s too far to travel are in the sights of the Federal Government as they look to overhaul system

OB snobs who refuse work because it’s too far to travel are in the federal government’s sights under reforms that would also collapse the disability support pension and unemployment benefits into a single universal welfare payment.

Determined to remove the “perverse incentive’’ to claim the disability pension because it is worth an extra $250 a fortnight compared to Newstart, Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews says the growing gap must be addressed.

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Commission of Audit says force moves for dole, cut DSP

The Australian

May 01, 2014

THE welfare system faces a major shake-up with young unemployed people forced to move for work or lose their Newstart allowance, alongside payment cuts for disability support pensioners, single mothers and carers.

The Commission of Audit wants a new rule to tackle youth unemployment that pushes young single people aged 22 to 30 without dependants or special exemptions to relocate to higher employment areas or lose access to benefits after a period of 12 months on the dole.
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