AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

  In Automating Inequality, Virginia Eubanks systematically investigates the impacts of data mining, policy algorithms, and predictive risk models on poor and working-class people in America. The book is full of heart-wrenching and eye-opening stories, from a woman in Indiana whose benefits are literally cut off as she lays dying to a family in Pennsylvania in daily fear of losing their daughter because they fit a certain statistical profile. “This book is downright scary,” says
The slides for Steven’s lecture can be found here.

Melbourne Dignity Not Dole Campaign Info Session

Posted by AUWU on  February 4, 2019

Category: Announcements
For decades, politicians of every stripe have attacked unemployed workers to win political points. As a result: NEWSTART IS $243 PER WEEK BELOW THE POVERTY LINE THERE ARE 16 JOB SEEKERS COMPETING FOR EVERY AVAILABLE JOB Across Australia, unemployed workers are fighting for their lives. No Political Party in Australia Has a Plan to Address This Crisis. This Coming Election, the AUWU’s Dignity Not Dole Campaign will be uniting thousands of Australians across the country to fight

Dignity Not Dole Campaign Launched

Posted by AUWU on  February 3, 2019

Category: Announcements
For decades, politicians of every stripe have attacked unemployed workers to win political points. As a result: Newstart is $243 per week below the Poverty Line  There are 16 job seekers competing for every available job Across Australia, unemployed workers are fighting for their lives. No Political Party in Australia Has a Plan to Address This Crisis. This Coming Election, the AUWU’s Dignity Not Dole Campaign will be uniting thousands of Australians across the country to

The Reality of Being Cut of Newstart

Posted by AUWU on  February 2, 2019

To Whom it May Concern Over the last 4 years I have been either on ‘no job search requirements’ or a client of a ‘Disability Services Agency’. During this time on ‘Newstart’ my health has deteriorated to a horrifying degree (which I personally think is a result of not being able to afford nourishing food as often as my body requires.), this includes many problems with my eyesight as well as other health issues. My