AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

The 2014-15 federal budget included proposals for major changes in the social services portfolio, including payments to the unemployed, aged, people with disability and families with children. With most of these measures being introduced through two large and complex pieces of social services legislation, there is likely to be some confusion about the changes being made and which changes are being introduced where. This FlagPost provides a brief outline of what is in each of
Deal looms on wait for the dole under Newstart Allowance plans Patricia Karvelas THE AUSTRALIAN SEPTEMBER 02, 2014 12:00AM UNEMPLOYED people under 30 would face a shorter wait for the Newstart Allowance payment than the six-month proposal unveiled in the budget, as the Abbott government prepares to compromise in order to get its controversial welfare reforms through the Senate. The Australian understands that senior members of the ­Coalition have conceded that getting the proposal for a full

Posted by AUWU on  August 29, 2014

Category: Announcements
Can’t keep track of all the attacks on Australia’s welfare state? We have compiled a quick and easy to understand summary of how the Unemployed will be effected, what will change, and when it will be introduced. Click here for more information
THE AUSTRALIAN AUGUST 07, 2014 Patricia Karvelas Victoria Editor Melbourne SEX workers and table-top dancers who lose their jobs will not be eligible for a reduction in the number of months they have to wait before they can get the dole, sparking accusations the Abbott government is imposing moral judgments on the social welfare system. Even unemployed people who claim they have worked by running for public office will have to wait longer than others
The Australian 25 April 2014 MORE than 50,000 people have joined the ranks of Australians relying on the Newstart income support payment over the past year, including 3000 in the past month, latest figures show. Figures from the Department of Social Services show that people on Newstart and Youth Allowance grew by almost 60,000 people in the year to March. Almost 850,000 Australians are on the two payments, with those on Newstart rising 7.5 percentage