AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

THE AUSTRALIAN OCTOBER 01, 2014 12:00AM Patricia Karvelas Victoria Editor Family First Senator Bob Day has been encouraging Senate colleagues to push for a compromise option of a one-month waiting period rather than six. Source: News Corp Australia FAMILY First senator Bob Day wants a “trial” to be run in South Australia where young unemployed people trade off wages in exchange for his support for a one-month waiting period rather than six for Newstart. It comes as Tony

Palmer deals dole compromise dead

Posted by AUWU on  September 13, 2014

Federal MP Clive Palmer says his party will not support changes to Newstart for people under 30. (AAP) Clive Palmer says his party will not support Newstart changes on under 30s even if their welfare waiting period was decreased. Source AAP 2 SEP 2014 0 Clive Palmer has given the kiss of death to the Abbott government’s apparent compromise on tough new dole rules for young unemployed people. To try to win crossbench support for
THE AUSTRALIAN AUGUST 16, 2014 12:00AM Patricia Karvelas UNEMPLOYED people who miss an appointment with their job provider without an “extreme” excuse will be docked welfare payments until they attend a new appointment, under a dramatic strengthening of dole requirements. The Weekend Australian has obtained a letter sent from the Employment Department’s deputy secretary Jennifer Taylor to job providers which outlines how the tough new rules will work, including the possibility that those who miss an appointment

LEAKED: New Attack on Unemployed

Posted by AUWU on  September 11, 2014

Category: Announcements
The Australian Unemployment Union has just learned that from next Monday (15th September), the Commonwealth government will give Job Service Providers (JSP) the power to directly suspend the welfare payments of its unemployed clients. Previously this was the responsibility of Centrelink and its staff, who as public servants were subject to a number of government regulations that ensured welfare recipients the right of appeal. By privatising this process, the Government will be placing the lives
THE AUSTRALIAN SEPTEMBER 05, 2014 12:00AM Patricia Karvelas LONG-TERM unemployment is a “national emergency” that has more than tripled in the past three years, according to data that shows more than 350,000 Australians have been living on the dole for more than two years. Data provided through Senate estimates reveals that, in March, 355,876 people had been on the Newstart Allowance payment for more than two years, up from 106,491 in June 2011. As the majority