AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

THE AUSTRALIAN OCTOBER 09, 2014 LABOR’S Jenny Macklin has attacked a plan by the government’s welfare review to give people on payments an interim ‘no financial disadvantage’ period after changes are introduced, saying it will still “leave people on income support worse off”. Ms Macklin said the McClure review is “nothing more than Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey’s next round of savage cuts to vulnerable Australians”. The draft McClure report has called for a simplification
THE AUSTRALIAN OCTOBER 03, 2014 12:00AM Patricia Karvelas ONE in four unemployed people on the Newstart Allowance has a significant disability, according to new data from the Department of Human Services. There were 173,060 Newstart Allowance recipients with a disability at March 2014, and 24.9 per cent were receiving support from a Disability Employment Service or had a “partial capacity to work”. More than 133,000 Newstart recipients were assessed as having a work capacity of less
October 08, 2014 12:00AM Patricia Karvelas The Australian THE tough new rules targeting people under 35 on the disability support pension mean their payments will be either suspended or cancelled if they fail to comply with strict eligibility rules. Welfare Rights will today put out an analysis of the changes that passed the Senate last week that shows for the first time since Australia introduced social security assistance for people with disabil­ities early last century
 2nd October 2014 THE Abbott government is hoping to make its controversial budget welfare cuts more attractive by sending them to the Senate in a different form.  It has repackaged stalled legislation into four new bills — a move it considers will maximise the chances of getting its changes past hostile Senate crossbenchers. Labor is claiming a victory for itself and the people by forcing the government into what it labelled a “humiliating backdown”. “This
THE AUSTRALIAN OCTOBER 01, 2014 11:51AM Phillip Hudson NEW cuts will be announced in the midyear budget review in December to pay for close to $1 billion in extra spending to fight Islamic State terrorists. Treasurer Joe Hockey refused to reveal the cost but today confirmed the Mid Year Economic And Fiscal Outlook would reveal how it would be paid for. Since the May budget Tony Abbott has announced $630 million in new spending to boost