AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

Rozie Hart, 22 August 2016 Just wanted to tell you about my recent experience with AMES Preston. I was given a job plan and told I must sign it immediately.  When I questioned my caseworker if I was legally required to do this she said that if I didn’t, my benefits may be cancelled.  After I told her that as a member of the Australian Unemployed Workers Union, I was aware of my right to
  22 August 2016, Anonymous AUWU member I wanted to share my job seeker story to warn people about the provider At Work Australia and one of their consultants (in Perth, WA). When I started receiving Newstart Allowance I picked a job provider at random as I wasn’t sure who to go with. Centrelink told me it was my choice so I randomly chose At Work Australia from a list. I never felt comfortable attending
I am writing to advise that as a registered ‘Voluntary’ active Australian and skilled jobseeker that after 10 long years of attending regular fortnightly ‘go nowhere’ employment provider appointments with various employment providers, that I have had enough of the ineffectiveness of a system which simply doesn’t work and an employment services system which is unable to assist those already skilled jobseekers wishing to work, to feel inclusive in society, contribute, and  those wishing to
I wanted to share my job seeker story to warn people about the provider At Work Australia and one of their consultants (in Perth, WA). When I started receiving Newstart Allowance I picked a job provider at random as I wasn’t sure who to go with. Centrelink told me it was my choice so I randomly chose At Work Australia from a list. I never felt comfortable attending appointments at their office. The night before
By Penumbra George Gently 05/24/16 Many thanks for the assistance provided by the Unemployed Workers Union to help get my below poverty line payments known as ‘Newstart’ re-instated. In the lead up to this situation I had attended centrelink Maroubra office in person multiple times November 2015 to the present Jun 2016. Due to the fact that I was getting multiple cut-offs, instigated boy the jobnet monitors, Mission Prividence and MTC Maroubra. I was having physical and