AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

Australia’s mutual obligation system is broken and is breaking people – say the findings of the Mutual Obligation survey.  AUWU President Hayden Patterson said: “The results of this report are a shocking indictment of the employment services system and fly in the face of what we’ve been told unemployed workers want and need to help them get jobs. This is the first quantitative survey of this kind that has been made possible by the strength

Online and in person Advocacy Trainings Announced!

Posted by AUWU on  November 13, 2019

Category: Announcements
Over the next two weeks, the AUWU is holding three free advocacy training sessions for people who are interested in joining our dynamic team of advocacy volunteers. You can attend these trainings in person at our Adelaide office, or remotely through the live-stream. These trainings will give you the knowledge to advocate for people who need support with navigating the Jobactive and DES systems. After completing this training, you will be ready to be an


Posted by AUWU on  October 21, 2019

Category: Announcements
If you would like to vote, nominate or attend the AUWU’s Annual General Meeting held next month, you must submit your application by Wednesday 23 October (applications will close at 11:59pm). You can nominate by filling out this AGM Application Form. The AGM will be held on Saturday 23 November 2019 at our new national office in Adelaide! For those of you unable to make to Adelaide, don’t worry – you will be able to attend remotely if

AUWU Launches its Green Jobs Guarantee Campaign!

Posted by AUWU on  October 16, 2019

Category: Announcements
Today, there are three million people looking for work in Australia. The AUWU demands the government address this crisis by implementing a Green Jobs Guarantee, first in regional areas, and then nation wide. You can read the outline of our Green Jobs Guarantee for regional areas here. Everyone deserves a right to dignified employment and social security. The proposal was written by Connor Jolley (RMIT University) and Professor Rob Watts (RMIT University), in consultation with the

We Just Gave Sarina Russo With Golden Demerit Award

Posted by AUWU on  October 8, 2019

Category: Announcements
We just presented Sarina Russo with the inaugural ‘Golden Demerit’ certificate of suffering for his services toward the deprivation of unemployed workers’ dignity! Here is AUWU President Owen Bennett handing over the prestigious gong to Sarina Russo’s Victorian Manager Adrian Jenkins at yesterdays ‘award ceremony’. Video to come shortly! Due to the hard work of Adrian and his team, the majority of AUWU members who called our hotline over the last month ‘nominated’ Sarina Russo