AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

by Valerie Farfalla, Vice president AUWU ‘Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.’ Aldous Huxley Yet the Coalition government continues to ignore facts by fabricating stories about hundreds of thousands of dole bludgers skipping job interviews and failing to accept jobs. But where is the evidence? Facts are that in 2015, only 589 unemployed workers were financially penalised for refusing work. The tabloid press laps up the lies about ‘welfare cheats’ who

Successful One-Man Sarina Russo Protest

Posted by AUWU on  December 22, 2016

Category: Announcements
Centrelink recently informed AUWU supporter Chad Delandre that Sarina Russo are legally obliged to hand over his file documents. The Sarina Russo manager, Peter, refused to hand over the documents. Chad then conducted a 5 minutes protest by himself out the front of Sarina Russo asking for documents. Within a few minutes of the police arriving, Sarina Russo handed over all the documents. Below is the video Chad took of his protest. Chad’s comments are

Shorten backs push for low dole

Posted by AUWU on  December 22, 2016

  Minister for Employment & Workplace Relations, Bill Shorten. Picture: Aaron Francis PATRICIA KARVELAS TheAustralian 12:00AM August 20, 2012   EMPLOYMENT Minister Bill Shorten has backed a controversial argument being put by his senior mandarins that the dole should be kept low to encourage the unemployed to take badly paid jobs. A submission from four federal departments to a Senate inquiry into the Newstart Allowance says the OECD acknowledges that a rise in the base

Fight 4 Facts!

Posted by AUWU on  December 21, 2016

Category: Uncategorized
It is one of the worst kept secrets in Australia that the Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS) produces misleading unemployment and underemployment statistics. Even the former head of the ABS Bill McLennan has stated that ABS employment data “is not worth the paper they are written on”. Glenn Stevens, while Governor of the Reserve Bank, had similar concerns about the quality of unemployment data. According to the ABS, Australians who work more than one hour are considered to be
Where do I start? A lot happened in 10 years. I have a history of working in an industry that requires compassion as one of the essential requirements and so bring to my work a perspective based on that compassion. Years ago in the first round of job network, I found myself unemployed and referred to a Job Network Member (JNM). A young lass 10 years my junior was assigned to me, who felt more than comfortable telling me