AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

 By Anonymous I have written here once before on being bullied badly by my disability employment agency but this time I will name and shame. I have a disability provider as I suffer with bad back problems as well as depression. I recently have changed providers because of the bullying tactics that were being used against me as well as loosing my job due to the behaviour of my last case manager Sue Wagner from

Dignity Not Debt Leafleting Campaign Update

Posted by AUWU on  March 20, 2017

Category: Announcements
The AUWU has been informed by the Community Public Sector Union (CPSU) that for legal reasons it is pulling out of the Dignity Not Debt National Actions. The CPSU received legal advice this morning informing it that its participation in this event could be seen as illegal industrial action and may expose the union to legal action by the government. The AUWU will still hand out its material outside Centrelink offices as part of this

Fight4Facts Campaign Launch

Posted by AUWU on  March 20, 2017

Category: Announcements
THE AUSTRALIAN UNEMPLOYED WORKERS UNION (AUWU) is launching its Fight4Facts campaign highlighting what it claims is the deliberate underreporting of unemployment by the Coalition Government.  “It is one of the worst kept secret in the industry that the Australian Bureau of Statistics deliberately underreports the number of unemployed Australians”, said AUWU President Owen Bennett. “According to the ABS, someone who works only one hour a week is considered employed. It doesn’t take a genius to
In April last year, 18 year-old Josh Park-Fing tragically died at his Government-approved Work for the Dole site in Toowoomba. Distraught family members and shocked members of the public demanded answers. Minister of Employment Michaelia Cash indicated that an investigation would be carried out into the tragedy and a report would be released within a month. Eleven months on and the Park-Fing family, Josh’s friends, and the general public are still waiting for the report into
On 20 March, the Dignity Not Debt Movement will launch a campaign of rolling actions at Centrelink offices across the country demanding that the Turnbull Government abolish the robo-debt system. The Turnbull government desperately wants the robo-debt crisis to go away. Recently, the Government warned social security recipients that their public information would be publicly released if they criticised Centrelink’s new automated-debt recovery system, while Centrelink workers have been told that they risk losing their