AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

Jobactive Directory

Posted by AUWU on  June 21, 2017

Category: Announcements
If your job agency is treating you badly and not respecting your rights, its important that you fight back. When you write to your job agency to assert your rights, it is important that your job agency is not able to sweep your issue under the carpet.  That is why it is important to send this letter to the top brass at your job agency. Click here for a complete collection of all the publicly available contact details

PaTH and CDP Guidelines

Posted by AUWU on  June 21, 2017

Category: Announcements
The Coalition government have released guidelines about the PaTH program and the Community Development Program (CDP). These guidelines state the rights of unemployed workers. The Coalition, however, does not make these rights easily accessible. The AUWU will be summarising these guides shortly and making them available in our unemployed workers rights guideline. In the meantime, they are available here PaTH program guideline (Internship) PaTH program guideline (Employability Skills training) CDP Guidelines Handbook

Dignity Not Drug Test Campaign Launch

Posted by AUWU on  June 1, 2017

Category: Announcements
In its 2016-2017 Budget, the Turnbull Government announced its plans to give Centrelink new powers to harass, humiliate, and financially penalise social security recipients. As part of the latest round of cruel attacks, the Turnbull government wants to:   • drug test social security recipients and penalise those who refuse   • give Centrelink more powers to financially penalise the unemployed   • force more people onto the Cashless Welfare system   • make it

Join our new online groups!

Posted by AUWU on  June 1, 2017

Category: Announcements
Join our new online groups (at! These groups provide our members a direct and convenient way to get involved. If you would like to connect with other AUWU members near you, follow this link and leave a comment on your local branch’s page to express your interest. Or, if you would like to assist with the AUWU’s national tasks, please join one of our three Working Groups: Advocacy (click to join) operating national AUWU

Dignity Not Drug Tests

Posted by AUWU on  May 29, 2017

Category: Uncategorized
In its 2016-2017 Budget, the Turnbull Government announced its plans to give Centrelink new powers to harass, humiliate, and financially penalise social security recipients. As part of the latest round of cruel attacks, the Turnbull government wants to:   • drug test social security recipients and penalise those who refuse   • give Centrelink more powers to financially penalise the unemployed   • force more people onto the Cashless Welfare system   • make it