AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

Fighting Back

Posted by AUWU on  February 18, 2018

My job agency cut me off Newstart because I did not enter into a job plan – a outrageous penalty considering I was not even presented with a job plan in my appointment. My payment was delayed my almost a week because of this. Complaint On the 22nd of January I lodged an official complaint with the Department of Employment Customer Service Line (reference number 462 111). My complaint covered Wesley Mission’s: failure to present me with a job
Last Wednesday, the Moreland City Council passed AUWU’s motion stating that it will advocate publicly for an increase in Newstart to the Henderson Poverty Line. With great support from Socialist Alliance Councillor Sue Bolton the motion was passed, with many councillors speaking passionately for the increase and noting the important role councils need to play. Sue Bolton arguing for the motion at the Moreland City Council, 14/02/18 Thanks to the great work of the Anti Poverty Network in SA,
In February, the Government will attempt to pass two Bills designed to dismantle our Social Security System. The AUWU is organising events across the country to raise public awareness and build a movement against the government’s cruel attacks. Below are a list of events already organised: Melbourne: 1pm, Outside State Library of Victoria   Bendigo: 1pm, outside the Bendigo Library, 259 Hargreaves St Sydney: 1pm, Belmore Park (   Adelaide: 1pm, 4/2 Lily St, Goodwood SA (   Brisbane: 10am,

#OperationFebruaryFlood Launched

Posted by AUWU on  January 25, 2018

Category: Announcements
Next month, the government will introduce two Bills into parliament designed to dismantle our social security system. To fight this, the AUWU is launching #Operationfebruaryflood. The goal is simple – flood crossbench politicians with letters urging them to vote against this welfare crackdown. The AUWU’s #OperationFebruaryFlood webpage has two templates letters (one for the welfare reform bill and one for the cashless card legislation), the email addresses of all the politicians we should target and further information about
I arrived at Wesley Mission (Flemington) at around 2:40pm for my 2:45pm appointment. As usual, I went to the computers to wait for my job agent to call me. 3:00pm – no sign of my job agent. 3:30pm – still nothing. I wondered how long would I have to wait for them to notice I was still here. By 3:50pm, they had won the stand off. I went to the desk to ask what was happening. “Were you