AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

Dodgy Text Message from Providers. Ignore it!

Posted by AUWU on  March 19, 2018

Category: Announcements
Have you received this text message from you job agency? A number of our members have reported they received it recently. We got advice about what it could be referring to and at the time of writing there is no scheduled change to come in at that time. It seems that the job agencies are using this text message to bully people into accepting unfair job plans. We encourage all members to report this behaviour to

Dial Dan Campaign Launched!

Posted by AUWU on  March 19, 2018

Category: Announcements
In 2016, there were over 53 million failed calls to Centrelink. The Centrelink Newstart line is engaged most of the day, which means it is almost impossible for unemployed workers to contact Centrelink to report their income, resolve a suspension, report a change in circumstance of simple ask a question. This is outrageous. It is a clear indication of this government’s approach to the unemployed: they do not want to hear what we have to say.
Media Release: AUWU bringing grassroots organisations together to tackle government’s welfare crackdown What: Community Forum When: Friday 2 March 2018 Time: Guests will be available for interview between 2pm-7pm. Forum is from 4pm-7pm. Where: Victorian Trades Hall Council Building (54 Victoria St, Melbourne) Available for interview: People who need government policy to change–quickly–before they end up homeless Owen Bennett, Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union Father Bob Maguire Nina Springle, Australian Greens Lara Watson, First Nations Workers’

Public Action Forum Against Welfare Crackdown

Posted by Owen Bennett on  February 21, 2018

Category: Announcements
The government is introducing two bills into parliament designed to dismantle our social security system. We need to fight back. Come to our free Public Action forum at Trades Hall on March 2 (4pm – 7pm to join the struggle for a dignified social security system. Speakers include: Steve Jolly (Yarra City Councillor, Victorian Socialists) Lisa Newman (CPSU, Deputy National President) Sue Bolton (Moreland City Councillor, Socialist Alliance) Father Bob Maguire Nina Springle (The Greens) Spike
My job agency cut me off Newstart because I did not enter into a job plan – a outrageous penalty considering I was not even presented with a job plan in my appointment. My payment was delayed my almost a week because of this. Complaint On the 22nd of January I lodged an official complaint with the Department of Employment Customer Service Line (reference number 462 111). My complaint covered Wesley Mission’s: failure to present me with a job