AUWU Policy Blog: Fighting back with a seat at the table

click for DEMERIT POINTS CAMPAIGN PAGE In July the AUWU is holding six free events across five states to inform unemployed workers how to fight back against the government’s new punitive Demerit Point system. We have booked a terrific line-up of speakers for each event, and you can pick up free leaflets and booklets about how to resist. Click on the facebook event links to find out more about each session. Under this unfair new
For its annual hotline report, the AUWU is conducting research into the experiences of unemployed workers in Australia. Together with our partners Monash University and Per Capita, we are looking to speak to unemployed workers across seven locations throughout July for approximately two hours. Participants will receive a $40 gift voucher. If you would like to register your interest for any of the focus groups below, please click on the event you would like to

Fight Roll-Out of Demerit Point System

Posted by AUWU on  June 8, 2018

Category: Uncategorized
On 1 July 2018 the Turnbull Government’s punitive Demerit Point System will be gunning for unemployed workers! Starting 25th June, the AUWU will fight the Demerit Point System. No need to take this lying down – join the Job Agency Action Group below. The experience of AUWU members is that job agents are increasing the number of appointments. More appointments increases the likelihood of penalties. More penalties means more unemployed workers pushed off social security

Block Roll-Out of Demerit Point System

Posted by AUWU on  June 5, 2018

Category: Uncategorized
On the 25th of June, the AUWU will launch its campaign to block the roll out of the government’s punitive Demerit Point System set to be introduced on 1 July 2018. As part of this campaign, the AUWU will distribute leaflets across the country providing unemployed workers with the tools they need to fight the harsh new compliance system.   Under this system, for the first time ever the government have given privately owned job agencies
This is the grave of Josh Park-Fing.  In 2016, Josh was forced ride on the back of a flat bed trailer being pulled by a tractor without a harness. He fell off, hit his head, and died. Next Thursday (19th of April) will mark two years since Josh tragically died at his Work for the Dole site in Toowoomba. In collaboration with Josh’s father Iain, the AUWU are holding events in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane