LEAKED: New Attack on Unemployed

The Australian Unemployment Union has just learned that from next Monday (15th September), the Commonwealth government will give Job Service Providers (JSP) the power to directly suspend the welfare payments of its unemployed clients. Previously this was the responsibility of Centrelink and its staff, who as public servants were subject to a number of government regulations that ensured welfare recipients the right of appeal.

By privatising this process, the Government will be placing the lives of all JSP clients into the hands of private companies. As these private companies are less transparent than government-administered institutions, under this new system Job Seekers will find it much more difficult to hold their providers accountable for their decisions. This is a clear attack not only on the unemployed, but also on the Australian welfare state more broadly.

For example, if a JSP client fails to attend an appointment with their provider, under this new system Centrelink will no longer be required to contact the Job seeker to follow up why they missed the appointment. Instead, the JSP will manage the case independently, free from any direct government control or influence. This change will essentially give JSPs unprecedented powers over their clients, further tipping the scales against the unemployed and adding to an already entrenched culture of fear and intimidation.

The privatisation of this important function marks a significant attack against the Australian welfare state. The Australian Unemployment Union calls upon all involved parties – the unemployed, other welfare recipients, welfare advocacy groups, trade unions, political parties, and the general public more broadly – to organise together in defence of the Australian welfare state. It is imperative to reject not only this assault on all JSP clients, but also the government’s underhanded way of introducing attacks against Australia’s most vulnerable people without any community consultation or involvement.


  1. This has happened in the 90’s when I was out of work for ten years under the Howard government. It is obvious then that the (so called) liberal coalition is endlessly on the attack against anyone who is the victim of their “wealth harvesting” policies, which is always in the interests of their wealth harvesting supporters. I use the the afore mentioned term on purpose because there is no other term for it. Wealth havesting is not unlike over using pasture land without retuning long term composing and green manure to the soil All future crops will begin to fail. Just so, our society will begin to fail in the future as wealth is redirected more and more by reactiionary governance toewards the already obescenly wealthy, the upper middle

  2. This is a serious attack. You have virtually no rights to appeal against a jobnetwork agency decision. Ring DEWERS and they will side with the agency any time. There is no right to appeal against a jobnetwork agency decision as there is with a CentreLink decision and Welfare Rights does not deal with oppressive decisions coming from a jobnetwork. So basically they can cur you off as they see fit. Basically it is pot luck what agency you get and you have little choice, As you say this is a serious attack against the Australian welfare state,

    1. There is a right of review of these decisions. In certain circumstances you can contact the commonwealth ombudsman. Also in all cases you have the right to have the case heard by the ssat ( social security appeals tribunal) and if unsuccesful, the aat (administrative appeals tribunal) which i believe are under the auspices of the federal court. The main reason why they feel they can do this is because most people do not choose to excersise their right of appeal or do not ask the media for assistance ( thesqueaky wheel gets the oil) and more importatly if people dont complain then they are automaticly stating that they agree with the decision. So wake up make a noise and keep making a noise. Contact your local mp if he doesnt answer send a letter to the paper asking for a response from him. It is time for people to make a stand or they will be walked over

  3. Enrolled in uni .. start in feb.. my jsp states austudy is not available for a bachelor degree.. now ive got a stomach bug and they want a med cert today by close of business otherwise payments will be suspended.

    Does a stat deck do?

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