Circumstances Your Job Agency Must Consider

When determining a job seeker’s Mutual Obligation Requirements and setting the terms of a Job Plan, Providers must consult with the job seeker and consider:

  • individual circumstances – in particular, their assessed work capacity (where relevant), their capacity to comply with requirements and their personal needs
  • education, experience, skills and age
  • the impact of any disability, illness, mental condition or physical condition or other non-vocational issue that affects a job seekers ability to work, look for work or participate in Activities – including drug and alcohol dependency
  • the state of the local labour market and the transport options available to the job seeker in accessing that market
  • the participation opportunities and Activities available to the job seeker
  • their family and care responsibilities (including availability of child care)
  • the length of travel time required to comply with the requirements (reasonable travel time is 90 minutes each way or, if the job seeker is a Principal Carer Parent or has a Partial Capacity to Work, 60 minutes each way)
  • the financial costs (such as travel costs) of complying with the requirements and the job seeker’s capacity to pay for such costs
  • whether the job seeker has any vulnerability indicators (as identified by DHS) such as homelessness, psychiatric problems or mental illness, severe drug or alcohol dependency, or traumatic relationship breakdown
  • any history of the job seeker not complying with their Mutual Obligation Requirements (to ensure that they undertake appropriate requirements in return for tax-payer funded income support)
  • cultural factors
  • if they are an Early School Leaver
  • the number of hours a fortnight the job seeker is required to undertake of approved Activities in the Work for the Dole Phase
  • where the job seeker participated in Time to Work Employment Service, any comments and recommendations in the Time to Work Employment Service Transition Plan – (Providers can find the Transition Plan in the Department’s IT System)
  • any other matters that the Provider considers relevant to the job seeker’s circumstances (including if the job seeker discloses that they are a victim of family violence).

The Activities in the Job Plan must not place unreasonable demands on the job seeker.

The job seeker must be capable of doing any Activity and meeting all requirements included in their Job Plan. After consulting with the job seeker, Providers must determine the Activities to meet their Mutual Obligation Requirements in accordance with the Deed, this Guideline and Social Security Law.

Providers should take into account the job seeker’s preferences wherever possible.